Namaqualand experienced a magical flower season

Namaqualand in the Northern Cape is world renowned for its flower season. And this year was something spectacular. 2020 was and still is an extremely difficult year for earthlings. Covid-19. A pandemic. Worldwide lockdowns. But Namaqualand has come to the table and lift the human spirit bit by bit. Showcasing her best flowers in almost a decade after several years of extreme dought.

We had good rains and everyone was betting on a beautiful flowers season. Namaqualand did not disappoint. Springbok, Concordia and surroundings areas were covered in an array of colors. Purple, white and orange flowers were a kaleidoscopic vision. A sensory overload for many tired eyes.

We all walked a little slower, breathed a little easier and deeper. Lingered in the fields of gold, surrounded by magical moments. Families came together for picnics and walks. Cameras worked overtime. And just for a while we forgot about the pandemic and enjoyed mother nature’s gift to 2020.

Groothoog, Concordia
Groothoog, Concordia
Groothoog, Concordia
Kamasies quiver tree forest

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